GTA25 Categories
Regular Deadline: March 21, 2025
Late & Final Deadline: April 11, 2025
Categories are subject to change each year as the industry changes. Check back here for the most up-to-date list.
Best Action
Best Animation/Family
Best Comedy
Best Documentary: Bio Pic
Best Documentary: Subject
Best Drama
Best Faith Based
Best Fantasy Adventure
Best Horror
Best Independent Trailer
Best Independent Trailer Ultra-Low (for film budget shot under $3.1Million US)
Best Motion/Title Graphics
Best Music
Best Original Score
Best Romance
Best Sound Editing
Best Summer 2025 Blockbuster Trailer
Best Teaser
Best Thriller
Best Video Game Trailer
Best Voice Over (The Don LaFontaine Award)
Golden Fleece
Most Original Trailer
Trashiest Trailer
World Trailer Awards is back in GTAs and here are the categories:
◦Best Foreign Action
◦Best Foreign Animation/Family
◦Best Foreign Comedy
◦Best Foreign Documentary
◦Best Foreign Drama
◦Best Foreign Horror
◦Best Foreign Independent Trailer
◦Best Foreign Music
◦Best Foreign Thriller
◦Best Foreign Teaser
◦Most Original Foreign Trailer
Best Action TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Animation / Family TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Comedy TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Documentary TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Drama TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Fantasy Adventure TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Foreign TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Graphics in a TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Horror TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Independent TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Music TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Original Score TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Romance TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Sound Editing in a TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Thriller TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Voice Over TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Most Original TV Spot (for a Feature Film)
Best Action (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Animation/Family (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Comedy (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Documentary/Reality (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Drama (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Fantasy Adventure (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Foreign (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Graphics (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Horror/Thriller (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Music (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Original Score (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Sound Editing (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Voice Over (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
Most Original (Trailer/Teaser) for a TV/Streaming Series
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Best Promo for a OTO or Special (i.e. Oscars, CMAs, Globes, SuperBowl, VMA’s et al)
Best Promo for a TV Network
Best Action (TV Spot) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Animation/Family (TV Spot) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Comedy (TV Spot) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Documentary/Reality (TV Spot) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Drama (TV Spot) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Horror/Thriller (TV Spot) for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Music (TV Spot) for a TV/Streaming Series
Most Original (TV Spot) for a TV/Streaming Series
*these are all NEW categories this year so TV Spots for TV/Streaming Series can compete on their own
Best Digital – Action
Best Digital – Family / Animation
Best Digital – Comedy
Best Digital – Drama
Best Digital – Fantasy Adventure
Best Digital – Horror / Thriller
Best Action Poster
Best Animation / Family Movie Poster
Best Billboard
Best Comedy Poster
Best Documentary Poster
Best Drama Poster
Best Foreign Poster
Best Horror Poster
Best Independent Poster
Best International Poster
Best Motion Poster
Best Teaser Poster
Best Thriller Poster
Best Wildposts
Most Original Poster
Best Animation/Family Poster for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Comedy Poster for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Documentary/Reality Poster for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Drama/Action Poster for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Horror/Thriller Poster for a TV/Streaming Series
Best WildPosts for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Action/Thriller TrailerByte for a Feature Film
Best Animation TrailerByte for a Feature Film
Best Comedy / Drama TrailerByte for a Feature Film
Best Horror / Thriller TrailerByte for a Feature Film
Best Viral Campaign for a Feature Film
Best BTS/EPK for a Feature Film (Under 2 minutes)
Best BTS/EPK for a Feature Film (Over 2 minutes)
Most Innovative Advertising for a Feature Film
Most Innovative Advertising for a TV/Streaming Series
Best Viral Campaign for a TV / Streaming Series
Best Action / Thriller TrailerByte for a TV / Streaming Series
Best Comedy / Drama TrailerByte for a TV / Streaming Series
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Best BTS/EPK for a TV/Streaming Series (Under 2 minutes)
Best BTS/EPK for a TV/Streaming Series (Over 2 minutes)
Best Video Game Trailer
Best Radio Spot (Feature Film & TV/Streaming Series)