GTA25 FAQs & Award Rules

If you have more questions or just want to say hello – feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 212-206-1041.


1. Trailers must be under 4 minutes and 30 seconds long (no exceptions).

2. Creation dates for Trailers/Teasers/TV spots/Video Game Trailers: In order to be eligible, the above mentioned must be created between April 12th, 2024 through April 11th, 2025. That is the creation date of the trailer NOT the film (TV Series or video game). It is the creation date of the asset.

3. In order to be eligible for SUMMER 2025 BLOCKBUSTER which is for a Film RELEASE date for the 2025 Summer Blockbuster Season (which for 2025 is April 25th, 2025 – Sept 1st, 2025). The trailer must be made for a film released during this Blockbuster Season 2025.

4. Maximum up-loadable size for trailers is 300MB (please note, the larger the file, the longer the upload for larger files, please be patient if you have a slow connection)

5. Please NO “bars and tone”, NOR “Company Slates” on the front of the trailer. The trailer should begin just after you hit play.

6. Entry Fees are NON-refundable.

In addition to the rules stated above, in order to qualify as a Foreign film, over 50% of the principal photography must have been shot outside the United States, and additionally a minimum of 50% of the funding must come from outside the United States.

1. The creation date for posters is between April 12th, 2024 through April 11th, 2025.

2. Maximum up-loadable size for posters is 35MB (and 300 MB for motion posters)

3. Entry Fees are NON-refundable.

But check out ALL  the FAQs for frequently asked questions! or email us at [email protected] we love to hear from everyone.


1. General FAQs

GTA25 Application is available NOW – click here!

The only specification for entry is that it come in under  300MB (for trailers), the 35MB (for posters), and 300MB (motion posters).

Click on this link to the pricing information page: GTA Entry Fees

No. If the trailer/teaser/spot was cut and killed, but you or your company believes this specific trailer/teaser/spot (aka the asset) to be a great spot, then the ‘not-theatrically’ released trailer is still eligible. Talent is King.

Trailers and or TV spots for Feature Length Films produced by digital distributors HBO/Amazon/Netflix/Hulu/Apple et al are entered  in Feature Length categories. If it is a Feature Length film (even though it is not shown in theaters) it gets entered under Feature Length Categories. When in doubt give us a call (212) 206-1041 or send us an email: [email protected] 

There are no specific lengths for Teasers. Teasers tend to be any where from :30 to sometimes even :90 in length.

Best of Show is not a category one can enter. Best of Show is determined by an aggregate of the VIP jury’s tabulations cross all genres of the trailers from GTA Show Categories.

Yes, Video Game Trailers are eligible to compete in the “Best Music” show category and any other category it is eligible/suitable.

There is no requirement that the spots need to air on television or online. If the TV spot was cut and ‘killed’, but your company feels this particular trailer/spot/asset is fantastic, but it just wasn’t the one that was given the green light, then the unaired trailer is still eligible. Talent is king.

To get to the TrailerByte category for your Tik-Toks/Instas/GIFs/Bytes or Blinks, first select what you are: Studio, Independent, or Foreign and then scroll down to the Digital & Innovative Advertising section.

All World Trailer Categories (foreign categories) are back in the Golden Trailer Awards for GTA24!! And Yes, a Foreign trailer may enter the “Show Categories”.


No. As a matter of fact you can enter some by the Early deadline and pay for them. Then as you finish up others, enter them and pay as you go along to get the MAXIMUM savings!

There is no limit to the amount you can submit. Have fun!

Yes. Each submission may be entered into multiple categories. There is no limit. If it qualifies for the category, feel free to go ahead and enter it. Diversification is the key. Each category entered is considered a separate entry.

Yes, in 2019 we added six new trailer categories which were exclusively and expressly created to serve the ever growing Home Ent & Digital Distribution Platform market share.
Home Entertainment trailers will now be required to be submitted into the Digital | “Category Type” to be adjudicated in its own subcategory with other Home Ent | Digital submissions.

No, we’ve kept the process straight forward and simple and that is all there is to it. When you upload and pay for your entries on the system, including adding the required PR information (Asset Title, Studio and Trailer House/Agency) – that is all you need to do.

As always, you must fill out the PR information: Trailer Title (Asset title), Studio, Trailer House (Agency) – this is how the press release goes out and is of the utmost importance for that initial press release!! YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SKIP OVER THIS STEP!! 

You will be able to update full credit section after nominations are announced so that you can concentrate on those specific nominated entries. This allows teams to focus on whom they would like to recognize and saves time whilst making initial entries. But to plan your year, once nominated that will have to be filled out by May 8th, 2025 to make the digital program book.

If there is more than one version of a trailer or TV spot, you will need to include the trailers’ subtitle.
For example:
Film Title: Meet The Parents
Entry Material Subtitle: “Trailer B Family Time”
Please note that if this a show category, this subtitle will not appear in the lower thirds on the screen.

Make checks payable to “The Golden Trailer Awards” and enclose a copy of your invoice and mail to:
The Golden Trailer Awards
Attn: Accounts Receivable
110 West End Ave 4F
New York, NY 10023

If paying by check or any other method please make sure payment is in and received by final deadline APRIL 4th 2025 in order to complete the submission process for GTA25.

No, “CLICK” on the “Pay by Check” and an invoice will be sent to your email address. You can pay by ACH instructions (instructions will be on there) or you can print the invoice and make your check payable to the Golden Trailer Awards and mail it to:

The Golden Trailer Awards
Attn: Accounts Receivable
110 West End Ave 4F
New York, NY 10023

If paying by check or any other method please make sure payment is in and received by final deadline (April 4th, 2025) in order to complete the submission process for GTA25.

An entry may be withdrawn from competition, and the submitting entity will receive a credit which can be used for future submissions. Please note: the entry fee is non-refundable so please consider carefully before you submit.

Yes, it is not mandatory, but it is HIGHLY recommended.

The “Best Music” category refers to the use of a pre-existing song or track in a trailer (i.e. Lorde’s cover of “Everybody Wants to Rule the World” used in the “Dracula Untold “Rule” trailer”), whereas “Best Original Score” refers to a track created specifically for the trailer or from the score for the film.

Regular Deadline: March 21st, 2025

Late & Final Deadline: April 11th, 2025 

1. Trailers must be under 4 minutes and 30 seconds long (no exceptions).

2. Creation dates for Trailers/Teasers/TV spots/Video Game Trailers: In order to be eligible, the above mentioned must be created between  April 12th, 2024 to April 4th, 2025. That is the creation date of the trailer NOT the film (TV Series or video game). It is the creation date of the asset.

3. In order to be eligible for SUMMER 2025 BLOCKBUSTER which is for a Film RELEASE date for the 2025 Summer Blockbuster Season (which for 2025 is April 25th, 2025 – Sept 1st, 2025). The trailer must be made for a film released during this Blockbuster Season 2025.

4. Maximum up-loadable size for trailers is 300MB (please note, the larger the file, the longer the upload for larger files, please be patient if you have a slow connection)

5. Please NO “bars and tone”, NOR “Company Slates” on the front of the trailer. The trailer should begin just after you hit play.

6. Entry Fees are NON-refundable

Absolutely! If your film is produced outside the United States, you can submit your trailer in any category that matches your genre. All categories are available to international films, giving you more flexibility in choosing the most appropriate category.

For films produced in the United States, they can only enter the domestic categories. However, if a US film meets the criteria of being at least 50% filmed outside the US and has at least 50% of its financing from international sources, it may qualify for the foreign categories as well.

This also applies to the Posters/Print categories, and note that there is generally less competition in the foreign categories, which might be advantageous for some submissions.

If you’re a graphics company looking to submit for Best Motion Title Graphics but didn’t edit the Trailer (TV Spot or Asset), you can still submit your work. Just ensure that you properly credit all the companies involved, along with your graphics team, when completing the submission. This way, all parties receive the appropriate recognition. If you need clarification here, please contact us.

Yes, you may still submit it but be sure to get your clients permission!

Yes, the category Most Innovative could either be one asset or multiple components. Our entry system allows you to enter up to six.

A campaign in this category could be one asset or multiple assets, and may include as many supporting documents as you feel the campaign requires to fully convey the effectiveness or the experience. The entry is just the one entry cost, whether it is one asset or multiple assets. If you have multiple video assets, please combine them into one reel / one video when uploading.

Supporting examples: in previous’ years: ‘Zombie Strippers’ was one viral video. The effectiveness of this was self-evident and no further explanation was needed. The ‘Mission Impossible’ experiential campaign consisted of: a video with users participating in the experiential event, photos of collateral and also a write up that spelled out the overall effectiveness of the campaign. Both the above examples are eligible.

Absolutely! Why stop at one when you can go for more? Enter your trailer/teaser/asset into every category that fits—more submissions, more chances, more glory. Let’s get that nomination, darling!

Limit? Please! The sky’s the limit, honey! Enter as many categories as you can. More categories, more chances to shine. Go big or go home! 

But keep in mind, each entry is a separate submission.

Trailers are movie previews (originally) for a theatrical audience, but now include online trailers as well. Duration of theatrical trailers is usually 2 to 2 1/2 minutes in length. TV spots are previews that tend to be :30 or :60 seconds and were created for a television audience.

Relax, mistakes happen! Especially in this world where theaters, streaming, and everything in between are all blending together. If you make an error during the submission process, our entry coordinators and submissions manager will do their best to catch and fix it (ie: like submitting a feature film trailer into a TV category? No problem, we’ll move it to the right spot). But hey, if you catch it before the final deadline, just contact us and we’ll sort it out together. We’ve got your back!

We believe “talent is king,” and independent trailers can absolutely go head-to-head with the big studio trailers—just like indie films compete with studio giants for box office dollars and audience attention. But we also think indie talent deserves its own spotlight, which is why some categories are strictly reserved for independents, though almost all categories (except Summer Blockbuster) are open to independent trailers.

The “Best Independent” category became so popular (and so impressive) that in 2016, we split it into two: “Best Independent” and “Best Independent (under $3.1 Million)” to give extra love to those lower-budget gems.

Quick heads-up: “Best Independent” is a Show Category, while “Best Independent (under $3.1 Million)” isn’t.

Oh, and when we say “under $3.1 Million,” we mean the film’s shooting budget, not including P&A costs. Plus, if you’re eligible for “Best Independent (under $3.1 Million),” you can still enter all other categories, including “Best Independent.”

The upload limit is 300 MB maximum.

.gif, .jpeg, .jpg, .png

and for motion posters: .mov and .mp4

35 MB maximum for posters and 200 MB maximum for motion posters.

It depends on your connection. If you have a slow connection it could take a few minutes. Be patient and allow yourself enough time to get all your entries in by the deadline(s).

If you are an independent video game company, then classify yourselves as “Independent”. If you are one of the large gaming companies (ie. EA (Electronic Arts), Activision, Sony, Universal et al.) then classify yourself as a “Studio”.

Anyone can enter: Producers, Directors, Filmmakers, Trailer Houses, Music Houses, Graphics Houses, Ad Agencies, Companies, and Individuals alike, foreign or domestic. If you have a great trailer or poster or viral campaign – ENTER IT! There are no restriction as to who can enter!

2. Asset FAQs

You classify your entry based on the entry, not the agency. So if for example you cut a TV spot for ABC, that is a studio and you would click “Studio” and then “TV Spot”. That would NOT be an ‘independent’ entry.

We believe “talent is king,” and independent trailers can absolutely go head-to-head with the big studio trailers—just like indie films compete with studio giants for box office dollars and audience attention. But we also think indie talent deserves its own spotlight, which is why some categories are strictly reserved for independents, though almost all categories (except Summer Blockbuster) are open to independent trailers.

The “Best Independent” category became so popular (and so impressive) that in 2016, we split it into two: “Best Independent” and “Best Independent (under $3.1 Million)” to give extra love to those lower-budget gems.

Quick heads-up: “Best Independent” is a Show Category, while “Best Independent (under $3.1 Million)” isn’t.

Oh, and when we say “under $3.1 Million,” we mean the film’s shooting budget, not including P&A costs. Plus, if you’re eligible for “Best Independent (under $3.1 Million),” you can still enter all other categories, including “Best Independent.”

Trailers/TV spots for Feature Length Films produced by digital distributors HBO/Amazon/Netflix/Hulu/Apple are eligible to compete in Theatrical ‘Trailer-Film’ categories as well as their TV Spots (Feature Film).

When in doubt, please email ([email protected]) or call us (212) 206-1041 – we are here to assist you!

In order to encompass ALL the many forms of super short form content and social media for tv series and feature films, ’TV TrailerBytes’  and ‘TrailerBytes’, respectively were created to incorporate ALL of them – so you can enter your, Tik-Toks, Instas, GIFs, blinks, bytes – in this one category.

The following categories are dedicated to this super short form content: 

TrailerByte for Feature Films:
*Best Action/Thriller TrailerByte for a Feature Film
*Best Animation/Family TrailerByte for a Feature Film
*Best Comedy/Drama TrailerByte for a Feature Film
*Best Horror/Thriller TrailerByte for a Feature Film

TrailerByte for Streaming Series:
*Best Action/Thriller TrailerByte for a Streaming Series
*Best Animation/Family TrailerByte for a Streaming Series
*Best Comedy/Drama TrailerByte for a Streaming Series
*Best Horror/Thriller TrailerByte for a Streaming Series

Four minutes and 30 seconds is the maximum industry length for motion picture previews. Although that is the maximum limit imposed by the MPAA, the average length of previews is 2 minutes and 30 seconds (or less). Your trailer can be any length, as long as it does not exceed 4 minutes and 30 seconds.

Yes, they are considered independents and are eligible to enter at the independent film price point. When in doubt, just reach out 212.206.1041

Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Apple, Showtime, and HBO are considered ‘Studio’.

In the new era of digital, there is no specific length. Historically TV spots have been :30 and :60 seconds (sometimes :90, sometimes :15) but now, there is no set length, minimum or maximum.

TV Spots are traditionally :30 or :60 seconds. TV Trailers can also include :90 spots. The length of time can vary so the suggested lengths should not be considered a hard rule but should moreover serve as a guideline. Nor is there a requirement for the spot to have aired on traditional network television, to be eligible to submit under TV Spot for Feature Film, as many spots were created to air exclusively online or social media.

There are two main category groupings for TV spots. These fall into categories for  ‘TV Spots for Feature Films‘ and ‘TV Spots for TV series, streaming series, limited series, web series & mini-series‘. Be sure to select the correct category for the asset.

In previous years “Show Categories” were dedicated to theatrical releases; however, in this new, evolving distribution environment, where Netflix, Amazon, Hulu, etc.  create or acquire feature film movies for distribution, those trailers are also eligible to submit in these Feature Film Categories.

“TV Spots for Feature Films” are also for all feature length films as well.

Due to the ever increasing and expanding distribution and viewing platforms, the Golden Trailer Awards expanded TV series category into multiple specific and relevant categories for TV series/Miniseries/Web Series/Limited Series, and/or Streaming Series, please check out all the categories under this heading.

Please feel free to contact us if you need clarification on this expansion at 212.206.1041 or contact us.

There are two main category groupings for TV spots. These fall into categories for  ‘TV Spots for Feature Films‘ and ‘TV Spots for TV series, streaming series, limited series, web series & mini-series‘. Be sure to select the correct category for the asset.

No. The trailer should begin after you hit play. 

You can have the MPAA “Green”bands or “Red” bands in front of the trailers – those are fine!

3. Category FAQs

TV Streaming Series Broke Out TV Spots to compete on their own. Those 8 new categories are:

◦Best Action TV Spot for TV/Streaming Series

◦Best Animation/Family TV Spot for TV/Streaming Series

◦Best Comedy TV Spot for TV/Streaming Series

◦Best Documentary TV Spot for TV/Streaming Series

◦Best Drama TV Spot for TV/Streaming Series

◦Best Horror/Thriller TV Spot for TV/Streaming Series

◦Best Music TV Spot for TV/Streaming Series

◦Most Original TV Spot for TV/Streaming Series

No categories were eliminated from GTA24 to GTA25.


All Nominees will be sent an email from the OpenWater System. You will be asked to :

  • Go back into the entry system and enter your credits (Credits and Hero Image should be Uploaded by EOD May 8th, 2025)
  • If you are in one of the 15 Show Categories (see full list below), we ask that you create a 10-15 second winning “acceptance graphic” with credits that will be uploaded to the entry site. (Acceptance Graphic should be Uploaded by EOD May 20th, 2025)
  • Receive a ticket to the GTA ceremony and post party!
  • Show nominees MAY be asked to supply a high-res file of their entry.


SHOW NOMINEES will be asked to upload a 10 to 15 second graphic “acceptance” so we can cut to your “thanks and credits” if your work gets the win!

We are using this format for consistency and to streamline the acceptance speeches so you can thank your clients and acknowledge those individuals from the studio who contributed along with your entire creative team.

1. Film name 
2. Studio name or Logo
3. Agency/Trailer House name or logo
4. Client Thanks 
5. Creative Contributor credits

It is perfectly fine to add VO, music, graphics, SFX, and sound OR just send the approved visual graphic. Take the opportunity to be as clever and original as possible and show off the incredible talent of your agency.


Video should be AppleProRes422 as .MOV
Not APR444

When you have completed the file and confirm agency approval, please use the following guide to label:

Nominated_Category_Title of Film_Company Submitting



Then you will be asked to upload that to the entry through your Open Water account.

We are not asking acceptance graphics for Non-show categories.

Here is the link to our Vimeo with previous examples to help you get ideas.

The 15 Show Categories for GTA25 are: 

  • Best Action
  • Best Animation/Family
  • Best Comedy
  • Best Drama
  • Beat Fantasy Adventure
  • Best Horror
  • Best Independent
  • Best Music
  • Best Teaser
  • Best Thriller
  • Best Video Game Trailer
  • Most Original
  • Summer 2025 Blockbuster Trailer
  • Best Drama for a TV/Streaming Series
  • Best Comedy for a TV/Streaming Series

This hero image you are uploading is for the Commemorative Program Book.

  • Trailer, Video Games, Streaming and TV Spot hero image specs: 3.75”w x 1.6267”h (300dpi/CMYK/jpg, png format)
  • Poster Entries should upload the entered poster resized to: 2.3767”x 3.4367”h (300dpi/CMYK/ jpg, png format)
  • For odd shaped entries (ie. experiential/digital), please upload a high res CMYK file (jpg, png format)
  • If you submit something that is unusable we reserve the right to replace it with something similar that works.

Please click this link to refer to previous years’ program books.

Absolutely! Each nominee, whether in a show or non-show category, receives a complimentary ticket to the show. It’s a special night to celebrate with your friends, family, marketing family, and colleagues. 

Join us for a memorable evening of mixing, mingling, meeting new friends, and embracing old ones. In other words, every nominee gets one complimentary ticket.

If you need to buy an additional ticket, they are $300 until May 11th, $325 from May 12th-20th and $350 from 21st til show time! So there is a discount for buying earlier!

Tickets are transferable but Non-refundable.

Nope, no assigned seats here! We’re going with the flow with a general admission seating arrangement. But hey, if you’ve got a big crew rolling in, we suggest sending a representative on our load-in day (Load in day is May 28th, 2025) to snatch up a sweet section of seats exclusively for your party. 

During the show, you are free to move about the cabin.

Yes, the trophy codes for winners of GTA25 will go out after the show (usually within 2-3 weeks)  and trophies can be ordered after those dates.

GTA25 is the last year of the complimentary trophy so get your order in on time!

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